
I study how political communication, elite strategy, and psychology shape (1) the dynamics of conflict escalation and (2) public opinion on international cooperation and democracy. In one research agenda, I unpack how authoritarian actors use propaganda to distort public opinion and manipulate mass beliefs, with implications for political violence and authoritarian resilience. In another agenda, I examine how great power competition between China and the United States constrains public support for international cooperation and under what conditions such constraints can be tamped down, shedding light on the interplay between domestic politics and international relations through the lens of political psychology. Because measuring public opinion is crucial to my research, I have a complementary agenda that seeks to improve the measurement of policy preferences, political ideology, and mass understandings of contested concepts (e.g., democracy, patriotism) through theoretically grounded survey instruments.


Working Papers

Please email me for the latest drafts.

Work in Progress

Null Results Report